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Lists of teaching and learning innovation:



Success in the 21st century requires knowing how to learn. Students today will likely have several careers in their lifetime. They must develop strong critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills in order to be successful in an increasingly fluid, interconnected, and complex world. Technology allows for access to information, constant social interaction, and easily created and shared digital content. In this setting, educators can leverage technology to create an engaging and personalized environment to meet the emerging educational needs of this generation. No longer does learning have to be one-size-fits-all or confined to the classroom. The opportunities afforded by technology should be used to re-imagine 21st-century education, focusing on preparing students to be learners for life


There are three (3) MOOCs has been published 1) Typography and Page Composition 2) Theory and Approaches in Art Education and the third, Assessment and Evaluation. This MOOCs is used a flip learning to accommodate learner's with connectivisme learning approaches by constructing meaningful learning and explorator of their knowledge.


Education 4.0” is a vision for the future of education, which 1) responds to the needs of “industry 4.0” or the fourth industrial revolution, where man and machine align to enable new possibilities 2) harnesses the potential of digital technologies, personalised data, open sourced content, and the new humanity of this globally-connected, technology-fueled world 3) establishes a blueprint for the future of learning – lifelong learning – from childhood schooling, to continuous learning  in the workplace, to learning to play a better role in society.



Alternative assessment, also called authentic or comprehensive assessment, refers to all sorts of assessments that are used to measure students’ ability and proficiency in performing complex tasks that are related to the intended learning outcomes.

Gear Wheels


The term "21st-century" is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world. In the ideal 21st century, individuals are expected to gain a variety of problem solving skills and to meet the needs of society within this century. These needs may lead to a change in educational standards and in the quality of the education system. The emergence of the establishment of Maker Talents Digital Innovation (MTDI) in UITM is to encourage "STEM for all" that aims to nurture innovative thinking and digital STEM cultural making among youth vision in tune with the 21st century. MTDI are multipurpose centre that enable digital making. It is also a hub for networks of educators, students and industry experts to converge.

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